Simcha Hall

Simcha Hall

YIQV is available to help you with your next event. Whether it's a dinner for 20 or a kiddush for 200, we are here to make your event a spectacular one.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Bar/Bat Mitzvah

We understand you want this to be perfect. It’s a once in a lifetime event, marking your child’s entry into the community as an adult. In order to keep your bar mitzvah surprise-free, our rabbi and gabbaim will reach out to you in advance to discuss your expectations.

Brissim & Aufrufs
Brissim & Aufrufs

In addition to providing the venue, we can connect those celebrating a bris with expert mohelim, taking an extra burden out of your hands during these busy times.

For  those celebrating an aufruf, we convene with our gabbaim to ensure the aliyos you need are available. We’ll make sure that everything is just right for your special day.
Other Events & Parties
Other Events & Parties

YIQV is available for parties and other events as well. To secure our Simcha Hall for any function, please complete the form below.

Simcha Hall Rental Form

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Questions about our Simcha Hall? Comments? Get ahold of us!

If there's anything you want to know that's not covered here, let us know! We're here to answer your questions and make you feel at home at YIQV.

Rosalyn Ungar 


George Srolovits 


Ask Us Anything
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