Parsha Tazria – Bris Milah This past Sunday, I attended a seudas bris for Mark Cohen, a 22-year-old resident of Riverdale who is currently a student at NYU in the...
Parshas Tzav – Investing in Our Yiddishkeit This week’s Parsha begins with Hashem instructing Moshe Rabbeinu, “tzav es Aharon,” to command Aharon regarding the halachos of the...
Parshas Vayikra – Purim Time Starts Now! In the bustling aisles of Klein’s Jewelers, Yossel was on an exhilarating quest. Having won the grand prize in a raffle – the...
Parshas Pikudei – Mitzvos In this week’s Parsha, the Torah tells us that Klal Yisroel were unable to erect the Mishkan due to the heaviness of the kerashim. Rashi...
Laziness: A Reflection on Parshas Vayakhel I sat down on Wednesday night at around 9 o’clock to write this dvar Torah. As I was beginning, I was informed that CHAZAQ was in the...