Parshas Behaaloscha – Lashon Hara The Passuk in Parshas Ki Setzei says, “Zachor es asher usah Hashem Elokecha l’Miriam baderech.” The Chofetz Chaim, in his sefer about...
Parshas Nasso – Shalom Bayis I wanted to start by expressing my appreciation to all those who participated in making this past Shavuos so Toradik and inspiring. It was...
Parshas Bamidbar Over the last three weeks, The Parsha Corner topics were all centered around the value of learning Torah. In Parshas Emor, we spoke about...
Parshas Bechukosai – Ki Hem Chayeinu The mighty winds of pleasure gust and enrapture mankind. Men and women alike are swept away by its powerful appeal, quickly causing them to...
Parshas Behar – Shemittah This week’s Parsha begins by stating that Hashem gave the mitzvos on Har Sinai, and then proceeds to relate the laws of shemittah...
Parshas Emor – Teacher Conduct In this week’s Parsha, the Torah tells us the halacha that Kohanim are not allowed to become tamei mes by being involved in the burial of...
Parshas Kedoshim – Ahavas Yisroel The Passuk in this week’s parsha tells us “v’ahavta l’reiacha kamocha”, to love your neighbor as you love yourself. This mitzvah,...
Parshas Acharei Mos – Gaavah & Taavah The Medrash in this weeks Parsha brings a story of a man who was planning an aveira with a woman and arranged to meet her in a certain...
PESACH – EMUNAH The Ramban at the end of Parshas Bo explains that the reason so many mitzvos we do are “Zecher l’yitzias mitzrayim” is to give us...