Parshas Ki Savo – Ki Es Asher Ye’Ehav Yociach In this week’s Parsha, the Torah lists the blessings one will receive for keeping the Torah and the curses for not. After the brachos...
Parshas Ki Setzei – Zechiras Amalek “Remember that which Amalek did to you” Chazal wonders about what specifically the Torah is obligating us to remember. Is it to recall...
PARSHAS SHOFTIM Parshas Shoftim – Where Am I Holding? The Passuk at the beginning of this week’s Parsha says: “Shoftim v’shotrim...
PARSHAS RE’EI – TZEDAKA DONE RIGHT It’s not about how much you give, it’s about how you give. The Passuk in this week’s parsha discussing the mitzvah of giving tzedakah...
Parshas Reeh – The Passuk in this week’s parsha says, “v’haya eikev tishmaun…v’shamar es habris” – and it will be that if we guard...
Parshas Vaeschanan – Tefilah When I was in 8th grade, my grandfather became very sick. He had heart failure and needed a real refuah sheleima. As a young boy...
Tisha B’Av Two weeks ago, we started preparing for Tsha B’Av by talking about “koach hatziur – the power of our imagination,” which we must...
Chodesh “Av” Rav Shmuel Hominer z”l explains that the month of “Av” was given its name because it was during this month that Hashem acted with...
Shiva Asar B’Tamuz I can still remember it like it was yesterday. It was Monday, March 16, 2020, a few days after Shushan Purim. Word of the unknown dangers...