Parsha Corner: Toldos – Mesorah vs. Tradition Yitzchok was living in Eretz Yisroel and there was a famine in the land. The Rashbam, explaining the passuk, tells us that Yitzchok decided...
Parshas Chayei Sarah – Chinuch Although the standard is that the Parsha Corner focuses on the week’s parsha, this week’s is different because I came across a very...
Parshas Vayeira – I Know What I Know The Midrash Rabah in Bereishis reveals to us a conversation the Sattan (Samael) had with Avraham Avinu on his way to the akeida, in a...
Parshas Lech Lecha – So Just Love Them The Passuk in this week’s Parsha tells us that “Avraham took his wife Sarai and his brother’s son Lot, and all the wealth that they...
Parshas Noach – What Does Hashem Want from Me Now? This week’s Parsha tells us about Noach and his incredible dedication, or mesiras nefesh, in caring for all the animals on the Teivah....
Succos – The Message of the Succah “The greatest distance in the world is that between the mind and heart.” – Rav Yisroel Salanter The Mesilas Yesharim, in...
Yom Kippur – Hergesh in Tefillah We have now been through Elul, Selichos, Rosh Hashana, Shabbos Shuvah, and Aseres Yimei Teshuvah. We are at the doors of Yom Kippur and...
Rosh Hashana – Misyatzeiv Al Derech Tov By this time, the days of Elul, the awakening for teshuva, are behind us. With trepidation, we approach our judgment, and like sheep, we...
Parshas Nitzavim – The Chesed in Teshuvah The passuk in this week’s Parsha says “lo bashomayim hee…v’lo mayeiver la’yam hee…ki karov eilecha hadavar meod, bficha...