Parsha Corner: Parshas Tetzaveh – Lessons of the Bigdei Kehunah In this week’s parsha, the Torah discusses the bigdei kahuna worn by the kohanim during the avodah. The kohen gadolwore eight begadim,...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Teruma – Bein Adam Lachaveiro In this week’s Parsha, the Torah tells us about the building of the Aron, the most chashuv of the keilim in the Mishkan. What was the...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Mishpatim – Chesed In last week’s Parsha Corner, we explored the theme of achdus—the unity of Klal Yisroel—and how it profoundly elevates our avodas...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Yisro – Unity There once was a king who was approaching his 75th birthday, a grand occasion that filled his court with anticipation. His servants,...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Beshalach – False Security It’s hard to imagine the utter fear that gripped Klal Yisroel when they were trapped on the banks of the Yam Suf. A small weak nation of...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Bo – The Law Behind the Laws of Nature The Ramban at the end of Parshas Bo explains that many mitzvos are performed “Zecher l’yetzias Mitzrayim”—as a...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Vaeira – Self Destructiveness of Bad Charachter Parsha Corner: Self-Destructiveness of Bad Character Parshas Va’eira In this week’s parsha, we find two striking examples of how...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Shemos – Our Role in Anti-Semitism During the lifetime of Yaakov Avinu and the Shevatim, the relationship between the Egyptians and the Jewish people was characterized by...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Vayechi – Commitment Have you ever agreed to fulfill a request from a friend or relative, only to find that you never followed through? What might explain this...