Parsha Corner: Parshas Bo – The Law Behind the Laws of Nature The Ramban at the end of Parshas Bo explains that many mitzvos are performed “Zecher l’yetzias Mitzrayim”—as a...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Vaeira – Self Destructiveness of Bad Charachter Parsha Corner: Self-Destructiveness of Bad Character Parshas Va’eira In this week’s parsha, we find two striking examples of how...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Shemos – Our Role in Anti-Semitism During the lifetime of Yaakov Avinu and the Shevatim, the relationship between the Egyptians and the Jewish people was characterized by...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Vayechi – Commitment Have you ever agreed to fulfill a request from a friend or relative, only to find that you never followed through? What might explain this...
Parsha Corner: Parshas Vayigash – Vitality of Learning In this week’s parsha, we learn about Yaakov Avinu’s foresight in sending Yehudah ahead to Mitzrayim. His mission? To establish a...
Parsha Corner: Chanukah – The Ultimate Gift The mitzvah of hadlakas ner Chanukah is distinctive in that it is a household obligation rather than a personal one incumbent upon each...
Parsha Corner: Vayeishev – Light in the Dark In this week’s parsha, the Torah recounts that the Yishmaelim to whom Yosef was sold were transporting fragrant spices and incense. Have...
Parsha Corner: Vayishlach – Kiddie Sponge The Torah in this week’s Parsha describes the terrible episode about how Dina, “the daughter of Leah,” was kidnapped and violated by...
Parsha Corner: Vayeitzei – Embarrassment Yakov suspected that Lavan would trick him by swapping out Rachel for Leah and as a security measure gave simanim to Rachel, that he would...