Parsha Corner: Parshas Beshalach – False Security
It’s hard to imagine the utter fear that gripped Klal Yisroel when they were trapped on the banks of the Yam Suf. A small weak nation of runaway slaves surrounded, with no natural plan of survival. The Yam was in front of them but had no boats to pass. The Sinai Desert to their right and left with not enough supplies to sustain an entire nation. And Pharoh’s vicious army chasing behind with no army or allies to help defend. B’derech hateva they were a dead nation walking. When Klal Yisroel realized the magnitude of their plight, they became overwhelmed with trepidation. Their facade of self-sufficiency and power was exposed and crushed. Their confidence was stripped away from them, and the truth of their weakness became apparent. They understood with ultimate clarity that their only chance of survival lay in the hands of Hashem and from the depths of their souls, they screamed out for help. Hashem, the shomea tzeaka, was eagerly listening out for their cries and responded with the splitting of the Sea and Klal Yisroel was saved in the most miraculous of ways. According to Rebbi Akiva there were 250 maakos on the Yam Suf!
It’s been 489 days since October 7 and naturally the sharpness of the pain and fear that we experienced has more than begun to dull. The number of deaths and rockets have stopped, and with the “protection” from our new President Trump, we feel more secure and safe. But the truth REALLY is that we are powerless and weak. There are still hostages, financial instability, widows, orphans, and antisemitism with no natural plan to succeed.
It is so important that we heed the lesson Klal Yisroel has set for us to cry out to Hashem, and IY”H we will be zoche to the most miraculous geula, even greater than krias yam suf!
Secure your chelek in the bringing of the geula!
Have a wonderful Shabbos!
Rabbi Anton
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