Parsha Corner: Parshas Bo – The Law Behind the Laws of Nature
The Ramban at the end of Parshas Bo explains that many mitzvos are performed “Zecher l’yetzias Mitzrayim”—as a remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt—to serve as constant, daily reminders that Hashem is the ultimate force guiding the world. The miracles of the Exodus were not only momentous, open demonstrations of Divine intervention, but they also provide us with the framework to recognize the more subtle, hidden miracles that happen in our lives today.
The fact that there are so many mitzvos designed for this purpose—such as the recitation of Shema each morning and evening, the wearing of tefillin and tzitzis, the placing of mezuzos on our doorposts, observing Shabbos every seven days, the eight days of Pesach, the korban Pesach, the prohibition against eating chometz, the seven days of Sukkos, and many more—reveals how much reinforcement we need to internalize this message. The Ramban further underscores this by noting the severity of punishment for those who neglect these mitzvos, which illustrates their fundamental importance.
Why the Constant Reinforcement?
The question arises: why do we need such constant reinforcement? Why is it so difficult for us to believe in Hashem’s abilities and control over the world? The answer lies in human nature. Our perception is often limited to what is tangible and visible, and our daily experiences tend to obscure the miraculous workings of the world. We are naturally drawn to focus on the predictable and routine aspects of life, which can make it challenging to see Hashem’s hand in the hidden miracles that occur around us.
Furthermore, the concept of emunah—faith in Hashem’s providence—is inherently complex. Emunah requires us to see beyond the surface and recognize the divine orchestration behind events that may appear mundane. This can be elusive because we live in a world where Hashem’s involvement is often concealed by the veil of nature and routine. The mitzvos serve as tools to break through this veil, constantly reminding us to look deeper and perceive the underlying miracles that guide our lives. Without these reminders, we might fall into the pitfall of taking life’s blessings for granted, failing to see Hashem’s continuous involvement in every aspect of existence.
A Powerful Counterbalance
Thus, it is not that the concept of emunah is too abstract, but that human beings are wired to forget and overlook the miraculous in the everyday. The numerous mitzvos serve as a powerful counterbalance, helping us train our minds and hearts to recognize Hashem’s presence in both the extraordinary and the seemingly ordinary moments of life.
Have a wonderful Shabbos!
Rabbi Anton
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