Parshas Reeh –

Rabbi Mordy Anton   -  

The Passuk in this week’s parsha says, “v’haya eikev tishmaun…v’shamar es habris”and it will be that if we guard the “eikev”…then I (Hashem) will keep my covenant with you.

Rashi explains that eikev refers to the mitzvos that a person tramples on with their eikev, their heel. But what are these eikev mitzvos referring to?

It can’t be referring to mitzvos that offer less reward, because the Mishna in Pirkei Avos 2:1 says, “Havei zahir b’mitzvah kalla k’bichamurah, she’ein atoh yodeah matan scharan shel mitzvah”be vigilant with light mitzvos as you would be with stringent ones, for we don’t know the reward granted for any mitzvos. The Mefarshim explain that the mitzvos the subject of the Mishna is pushing away are ones that to him seem of less value, but without any basis, because he doesn’t know which offer more reward.

So, what mitzvos is the Passuk referring to?

The Balei Mussar explain that they are the mitzvos that have immeasurable power yet are done routinely without any focus. The Gedolei Yisroel throughout the generations have applied the sentiment of the passuk to various areas of Yiddishkeit, including but not limited to davening, shmiras Shabbos, and Talmud Torah.

We should be zoche to investigate more about these mitzvos and tap into their immeasurable power.


Rabbi Anton


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