Parshas Behar – Shemittah

Rabbi Mordy Anton   -  

This week’s Parsha begins by stating that Hashem gave the mitzvos on Har Sinai, and then proceeds to relate the laws of shemittah which are to be adhered to in Eretz Yisroel. Chazal wonder why it is that the Torah emphasizes the location where this mitzvah was given?

The Csav Sofer explains that both shemittah and Har Sinai are connected in that they both remind us not to be haughty. Shmittah reminds us of this because in the sixth year Hashem made a neis that a super crop was harvested in preparation for the next year when they would need to rest from farming. All farmers were surprised and realized that this irregularity was divorced from their effort, but rather a humbling gift from Hashem. Har Sinai also reminds us of this message, for as we know from the song, it was chosen to be the mountain where the Torah was given because it was small and humble.

The Ohr Hachaim gives a different answer. He explains, that by juxtaposing Har Sinai and shemittah the Torah is conveying that a connection exists between the two, which is that the reason we are zoche to having Eretz Yisroel is because we accepted to learn Torah and do it’s the mitzvos.

We are living in a time where, Bchasdei Hashem, we are zoche to having Eretz Yisroel, however, we must always remind ourselves that if we want Eretz Yisreol to remain ours, we must keep to our part of the deal.

How can we make ourselves more committed to learning so Eretz Yisroel will be ours forever? Please share your ideas with me!


Rabbi Anton


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