Parshas Kedoshim – Ahavas Yisroel

Rabbi Mordy Anton   -  

The Passuk in this week’s parsha tells us “v’ahavta l’reiacha kamocha”, to love your neighbor as you love yourself. This mitzvah, which the Gemara calls a “klal gadol batorah”, is a core ingredient to fulfilling the entire Torah. Chazal explain that this mitzvah is needed to fulfill not only mitzvos bein adam lachaveiro, but even mitzvos between man and Hashem. The Chidushei Halev explains that the good middos one develops by working on this mitzvah are what enable him to succeed even in mitzvos bein adam lamakom.

The Avos D’Reb Nosson explains that by focusing on “ani Hashem – I am Hashem”, which are the last two words of the Passuk of “v’ahavta”, one can come to appreciate the love he is to have for another Jew. Because when he recalls “ani Hashem” he will realize that all Jews are equal in that they are all supposed to be lowered in front of Hashem, serving Him together, removing and need to raise themselves above each other.

The Sefer Mitzvos Havelavos quotes that one can gain proper love for another by focusing on the fact that their neshama was taken from beneath Hashem’s Kisai Hakavod to be blown into their body. Similarly, the Toras Kohanim says that one can focus on the intrinsic greatness and potential of a person to develop that love.

We should be zoche, especially during the days of Sefira, to grow in our Ahavas Yisroel and merit to fix the sin for which the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed and see its rebuilding speedily in our times!



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