Parshas Vayikra – Purim Time Starts Now!

Rabbi Mordy Anton   -  

In the bustling aisles of Klein’s Jewelers, Yossel was on an exhilarating quest. Having won the grand prize in a raffle – the “Keep What You Grab” challenge – he was swiftly claiming his treasures. With the clock ticking, he had precisely two minutes to amass a fortune in gold and jewels.

As he maneuvered through the store, a plethora of diamond bracelets caught his eye. Yet, with only a minute remaining, his attention shifted. The sight of a crystal bowl brimming with Dum Dum lollipops, placed for customers, sparked a heartfelt desire. Imagining the joy of his children enjoying the sweets, Yossel redirected his efforts towards gathering as many lollipops as his pockets could hold.

The precious seconds dwindled as Yossel realized he had yet to approach the BIG safe – the treasure trove he initially aimed for. In a frantic dash, he attempted to reach it, but as the final buzzer sounded, his time was up. Yossel’s grand opportunity to secure the most valuable items had slipped through his fingers, all for a pocketful of lollipops.

This parable serves as a poignant reminder, especially during the sacred day of Purim. It challenges us to reflect on our life’s pursuits and the choices we make. Purim is not just a day for celebration but a profound opportunity for prayer, learning Torah, and experiencing the depth of Hashem’s love for us and all of Klal Yisroel.

Through the Purim story, viewed with mature insight, we can feel the palpable fear and the awe-inspiring salvation. It’s a day that historically brought us closer to Hashem, even more than the miracle of Krias Yam Suf.

Purim is brief but brimming with potential. Let us not be sidetracked by life’s “Dum Dum lollipops.” Instead, let’s focus on the true treasures that Purim offers – a deeper connection with Hashem and a reminder of His miracles.

Time starts now! Let’s make the most of this Purim by focusing on what truly matters.

Have a Wonderful Shabbos and a Freilechin Purim!

Rabbi Anton

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