Parsha Corner: Parshas Vayigash – Vitality of Learning

Rabbi Mordy Anton   -  

In this week’s parsha, we learn about Yaakov Avinu’s foresight in sending Yehudah ahead to Mitzrayim. His mission? To establish a Yeshivah, ensuring it would be ready and functioning before the arrival of the shevatim and their families.

Why was this so crucial?
The Shelah HaKadosh provides a profound insight. Yaakov Avinu recognized the centrality of Torah learning in Jewish life. He understood that Torah is not merely a pursuit but the very essence and foundation of Jewish existence. It sustains the spiritual and moral fabric of individuals and the world at large. For Yaakov, the establishment of a place for Torah learning outweighed any concern for physical comfort or material luxuries.

The Sefer Eved Melech further expands on this idea. From Yaakov’s actions, we learn a timeless lesson: when building or choosing a community, the foundations of Torah and mitzvos must come first. This includes a Yeshivah, a shul, and a kosher mikvah—the essential pillars of a thriving Jewish community.

Baruch Hashem, in Queens, we are privileged to have an abundance of shuls, batei midrashim, and kollelim. However, supporting these institutions is not enough. Each of us bears a personal responsibility to actively engage in Torah learning.

If you’d like assistance in setting up a chavrusah, feel free to reach out to me.

Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos,
Rabbi Anton

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