Parshas Ki Setzei – Zechiras Amalek

Rabbi Mordy Anton   -  

“Remember that which Amalek did to you”

Chazal wonders about what specifically the Torah is obligating us to remember. Is it to recall the basic story line or perhaps something more, like a lesson or a warning?

Rav Moshe Feinstein explains that part of the mitzvah is to focus and “darher” (Yiddish for understanding in a profound way that leads to inspiration) that it’s possible for a person, even after seeing the clear hand of Hashem through the 10 makkos, the splitting of the sea, the clouds of glory, the pillar of fire, and much more, to commit such a wicked and evil sin. The evil of what Amalek did was so bad that the Tanchuma describes it as if they jumped into a boiling bath of water, something which only a suicidal person would ever consider doing.

The lesson and warning of Amalek is clear. If we must remember Amalek, then its message must have very close relevance to us. We must always appreciate that there is no such thing as having a “chazakah” on our “madreiga” because if we are not going up, then we are going down, and there is no limit to how low you can sink.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Rabbi Anton

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