Tisha B’Av

Rabbi Mordy Anton   -  

Two weeks ago, we started preparing for Tsha B’Av by talking about “koach hatziur – the power of our imagination,” which we must use to help us relate to the pain of the Churban and the tzaros that accompanied it.

Last week we prepared by understanding Hashem’s intentions and reason for the Churban and how he EXPECTS and HOPES we respond.

This week I would like to prepare by focusing on what might be the most powerful ingredient to having a successful Tisha B’Av which is knowing that YOU CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE.

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of giving a Thursday Night Mishmar to a group of budding balei teshuvah who are learning in Yeshiavh Shor Yashuv in a program called The Shaar. I opened the class with the following questions:

“I feel terrible about what is happening in Israel, but there is nothing I can do about it.”

How many of you feel this way?
Does Hashem care about the way I feel?
Can I influence Hashem?
If I can, what does that mean about who I am?

I was quick to learn that many of these young men were indeed struggling with some of these questions and I was super excited to show them Chazal that addressed them.

The Mesilas Yesharim says:

“If one will ask: ‘who am I, and of what importance am I that I should pray on the exile and Jerusalem? Will the exiles be ingathered and the salvation sprout because of my prayers?!’ The answer to him is near [his question], as we learned: ‘Thus man was created alone, so that each person should say: ‘for my sake the world was created’ ” (Sanhedrin 37a).

The message of the Mesilas Yesharim is atomic!
YES, Hashem cares about your feelings as if you were the ONLY person in the world!
YES, you can influence Hashem and YOU CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE!
And YES, that means you have GADLUS!

May we all be zoche this Tisha B’Av to grab hold of our share in bringing the geulah and see the rebuilding of the third Beis Hamikdash together with Moshiach and ALL of Klal Yisroel in Yerushalayim.


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Anton


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