Rabbi Mordy Anton   -  

It’s not about how much you give, it’s about how you give. The Passuk in this week’s parsha discussing the mitzvah of giving tzedakah says, “lo siametz I’vavcha v’lo yerah I’vavcha”—don’t harden your heart and don’t have any regrets when you do so. Rav Moshe Feinstein explains that the implication of the Passuk indicates that even if one were to give but did so with a hard heart, or regretted it afterward, they nevertheless would violate these negative commandments because the objective of the mitzvah is to give “b’ratzon gamur”—with complete willingness.

In Passuk 8, the Torah says regarding the same topic, “pasoach tiftach”—you shall surely open your hand and give tzedakah. Rav Moshe explains that the double lashon of “pasoach tiftach” emphasizes that the money should be given in a way where the poor feels as if they are taking from hefker, the least embarrassing way of taking.

Giving in the proper way requires a tremendous amount of tikkun hamidos and focus. We can’t assume that it will happen automatically just because we have been giving daily for many years. The mitzvah is far from complete if done without lifting our heads, without smiling, or just sticking the money forward. We must feel the plight of our fellow Jews and fill our giving with “regesh” and life.

May we be zoche to emulate Hashem’s ways and give fully and selflessly.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Rabbi Anton