Chodesh “Av”

Rabbi Mordy Anton   -  

Rav Shmuel Hominer z”l explains that the month of “Av” was given its name because it was during this month that Hashem acted with Klal Yisroel as an “av” – a father.

During this month, we as a nation have suffered time and time again. Of the tragedies, we recall the destruction of the first and second Batei Mikdash, the capturing of the city of Beitar and the massacre of 580,000 Jews, the plowing over of the Temple Mount, and the expulsion of European Jews from England and Spain.

So, you are probably wondering what kind of father does such a thing?! With fathers like that, who needs enemies?!

However, Chazal explain that a father who cares about his child will act towards the child in ways that sometimes seem cruel and unfair. But, as only he knows, he is really acting with the child’s best interests in mind. Shlomo Hamelech in Mishlei encourages Klal Yisroel to heed the sometimes-painful rebuke of Hashem because “ki es asher ye’ehav yochiach – it is the ones who Hashem loves that he rebukes”.

We must understand and remember that the same father that was lovingly rebuking his children then is still lovingly rebuking his children today and is EXPECTING and hopeful that they return to him fully.

As we welcome the month of “Av” let us greet it as a son.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!


Rabbi Anton