Parshas Korach – Power of Numbers

Rabbi Mordy Anton   -  

Human nature is such that a person is drawn after the people around him. The beliefs, feelings, and thought processes of the general public guide and influence the way we as individuals believe, feel, and think.

In this week’s parsha, the Torah records how Korach was jealous for not receiving a leadership role as a kohen and, as a result, revolted against Moshe Rabbeinu. The Passuk, when describing Korach’s behavior, says “vayikach Korach – and Korach took.” Rashi, Unkelos, and The Gur Aryeh explain that the Torah is teaching us that in order for Korach to be brazen enough to argue with Moshe Rabbeinu, it wasn’t enough that he was jealous, but rather he also needed to psychologically remove himself from the way the rest of Klal Yisroel thought and believed, which was that “moshe emes v’soraso emes,” to allow himself the ability to even fathom arguing.

This chazal highlights the power of a “tzibur,” and the benefits it offers to those that are a part of it.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Rabbi Anton

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