Parshas Bamidbar

Rabbi Mordy Anton   -  

Over the last three weeks, The Parsha Corner topics were all centered around the value of learning Torah. In Parshas Emor, we spoke about the personal sacrifice of the Kohen Gadol in order to raise the banner of Torah. In Parshas Behar, we spoke about how our claim to Eretz Yisroel is contingent on our commitment to learning Torah. And in Parshas Bechukosai, we spoke about the special protection we are provided against the yetzer harah through learning Torah. The truth is that this was no coincidence but rather part of my secret plan to help myself prepare for a more meaningful Shavuos and Kabolas Hatorah.

However, even though we have only begun to scratch the surface of appreciating the true value of the Torah, I wanted to interrupt to share a very powerful idea which helped me tremendously in allowing myself to become more open to becoming more inspired about Torah.

The 7th Mishna in the second chapter of Pirkei Avos says, “marbe Torah, marbe chaim – the more Torah one learns, the more life they are given.” The Rabeinu Yonah explains that this line was written in a similar style to an earlier part of the Mishna which says, “marbe nichasim, marbe daiga – the more property one amasses, the more stress they feel,” and is coming to contrast that although the stresses of learning and of amassing property should be the same in their effect on a person, which is that one’s life should be shortened because of the stress, nevertheless the learning of Torah is different in that there is a special protection against what naturally should be, and to the contrast one’s life is added to.

In a major way, this Rabbeinu Yona was very validating for me about how hard, stressful, and unenjoyable learning sometimes is, and helped me realize it’s not just me, but rather part of Hashem’s intended design. Everyone on their own level is going to experience this challenge from different things but must realize that if it’s hard, then you are doing it right.

Hearing this Chazal allowed me to separate the challenges I experience in learning from the value of the Torah itself and allowed me to become excited to hear more. We should all be zoche to be mekabel the Torah with a renewed fire and “toil in it day and night.”


Download the PDF -> Parsha Corner – Parshas Bamindbar and Shavuos